thank you?loved the photos? ? Will is sure looking sharp?bright and still big?Love Grandma
On Mar 15, 2015, at 11:52 PM, Daniel Klco <> wrote:

1/2 way through March already! The first week of March seemed to be the last gasp of winter.? Sarah got some more time to play in the snow, though it was far less than the previous week.? The next weekend was mostly running errands and getting ready as I was in Salt Lake City, UT the next week. ?

Will went in for his six month appointment on Tuesday and Sarah went along despite that "her shoes don't walk in the rain".? He is 18lbs (58th percentile), 27.25 inches tall (74th percentile) and 18in head circumference (97th percentile).? He was very good and didn't pee on the nurse (only on the chair and scale).? There were unexpected visitors on Wednesday when Aunt Erin and Uncle Matt showed up and they all went to the zoo.? Uncle Matt brought down more projects and Uncle Matt and Aunt Erin helped Sarah build them.

I was able to catch an earlier flight back and surprised everyone on Friday morning.? Friday and most of Saturday was rainy, though Saturday afternoon got nicer so we went to get Graeter's for Ice Cream (thanks Great Uncle Dan!!) ?Today was a very busy day, we went to mass, then headed down to OTR for doughnuts and then walked across the Purple People Bridge to see the flooding of the Ohio River.? Sarah had a great time playing at the playground and walking around the river.? After all that hiking (she did do a lot of walking it was just harder to wrangle two kids and get pictures) Sarah was very hungry?and needed a snack?so we stopped at Hofbrauhaus for pretzels.? She ate a whole soft pretzel and both she and Will enjoyed the polka (especially the clapping).


From: Patricia Lincolnhol

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